2023 Lenten Activities


Holy Name of Jesus Parish

Flanagan Center
Refurbishment Project

2024 Archdiocesan
Annual Appeal

Mass Schedule

Monday - Saturday:
9:00 am

Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm

9:30 am & 11:30 am


Parish Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:
9:00am - 3:30pm

10am - 3pm

Contact Us

Click here for the Lenten Challenge

Click here for the Best Lent Ever

Join your fellow parishioners for the BEST LENT EVER! Each day you'll receive two short videos to inspire your journey to collaborate with God and create Holy Moments.

Discovering the power of Holy Moments will no doubt change your life…and we want to hear about it. Make sure to share how the program is inspiring you by replying to the daily prompts at the end of each email. And let us know if there’s any way we can pray for you and those you love this Lent!
